Women's History Month celebrates innovation through imagination Published Feb. 26, 2013 By 2nd Lt. Alexis Shaw 82nd Mission Support Group SHEPPARD AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- Each year the National Women's History Project selects a theme to highlight achievements of women is specific fields in the month of March. This year the theme is Women Inspiring Innovation through Imagination: Celebrating Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Since 1968, the Department of Defense (DoD) has proudly supported observances through the development of local programs of recognition and many diverse activities. This year Sheppard is celebrating and honoring women who have used their intelligence, imagination and tenacity to make great contributions by hosting four base wide events. These events will be led by Sheppard Air Force Base Company Grade Officers Council. This group of young officer's intent is to get the all base personnel and their families involved to recognize important women in history especially at Sheppard. We have all had some woman whether it is a mother, daughter, wife, sister or friend who has made some impact on our lives and deserves our thanks or remembrance. The first event is Women's History Month Awareness 5K run, which will be held March 5 at 3 p.m. at the Levitow Fitness Center. Base personnel and families will start at the Levitow Fitness Center to run about three miles around Sheppard. This run is to remind us of the women in history, especially in our Air Force who not only strived in intelligence, but also athletically. The second event is Women's History Story Time. This event will be on March 14 at 10:30 a.m. at the Sheppard Library. Young officers and enlisted members will read books on different influential women while doing a craft with base personnel's kids and others at Sheppard Elementary. There will also be an essay and coloring contest for K through 6th grade students and Sheppard Elementary. The winner will be announced at our luncheon/panel. On March 22 at 11 a.m., a luncheon and women's panel will be held at the Solid Rock Café. Jimmy Johns will provide free small sandwiches while guests listen to six different people on the base (civilian and military, men and women, enlisted and officer) speak on a panel to answer questions about women who have impacted them, women's progression in the military and current issues today. The final Women's History Month event is an open house, scheduled for March 29 beginning at noon, lasting until 4 p.m. The event will be held at the Heritage Center. The Heritage Center will be decorated with a focus on women in the military. All base personnel and families will be invited to stop by at any time to come take a tour of the Heritage Center and listen to a presentation about the following topics, Early Aviation (Texoma), Early Sheppard (WWII), modern Sheppard (Recent Past/Today), Women in the Military. We hope this allows everyone to get one last chance to celebrate women's history and leave with a little more knowledge about Sheppard and women who have served in the military. All events are free and open to all base personnel and their family. Try and make it to one or two events if you can to show your support and appreciation for women in history.