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The battle against mosquitoes


The Wichita Falls Health Department has confirmed their first positive result of West Nile Virus in mosquitoes.  The mosquitoes were caught through the health department’s routine surveillance this month.  It is essential for military personnel, dependents and the surrounding community to protect themselves from this disease.

West Nile Virus is transmitted through bites of an infected mosquito.  Symptoms associated with West Nile include headache, fever, nausea, vomiting, body aches and skin rash.  Only 20 percent of people with West Nile actually show symptoms.  Although there is no vaccine currently available, treatment is centered on over-the-counter pain relievers, drinking plenty of fluids and rest.

Each and every individual should take the initiative when it comes to winning this battle against mosquitoes.  We can all mitigate the risk of becoming infected by simply following these proper precautions:

  • DEET - use it all day, every day. Always wear repellant when outdoors and choose products that contain at least 25% DEET.  
  • Drain and remove standing water in and around your home, yard and neighborhood. Old tires, flowerpots and clogged rain gutters are excellent areas for mosquitoes to breed.
  • Seal holes in doors, windows and screens to keep them out of your homes.

The 82d AMDS Public Health Flight, PAE Entomology and Wichita Falls Health Department are working closely together to mitigate all mosquito-borne disease within our area. For more information on West Nile Virus, contact the 82d AMDS Public Health Flight at 676-1874/3052 or visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s website at: http://www.cdc.gov/westnile.