
Sheppard AFB Photo Gallery

Thank you for visiting the Sheppard Air Force Base photo gallery. Since the site was established in 2007, thousands of images from training activities to support functions, family events and more have been captured and posted here. A change in the content management system has limited the number of gallery pages to 100, so guests will not be able to scroll through the pages to the very beginning of our collection. However, guests can search for images by using keywords such as names, a specific squadron, an aircraft, or event. 

Some Sheppard images and other products can also be found on our Defense Visual Information Distribution Service page.


361st Training Squadron aerospace propulsion training
Airman Christopher Egan, 361st Training Squadron aerospace propulsion apprentice course student, installs a digital electronic engine control on an aircraft engine at Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas, Jan. 31, 2018. The digital electronic engine control is the engine's computer and controls all functions during flight. Egan is in block four of seven and scheduled to graduate March 20. (U.S. Air Force photo by Alan R. Quevy)