364th Training Squadron students earn ACE award Published June 10, 2019 By Airman 1st Class Madeleine E. Remillard/82nd Training Wing Public Affairs SHEPPARD AIR FORCE BASE, Texas – To earn the ACE award, an Airman must maintain a 100% average throughout an entire training course. Two Airmen from the 364th Training Squadron electrical and environmental course were able to remain dedicated to their training and earn this noteworthy award. Rank and Name: Airman 1st Class Patrick Lahey and Airman 1st Class Laura Sachwitz Unit: 364th Training Squadron Duty title: Electrical and environmental apprentice course students Hometown: Lahey- Castro Valley, California Sachwitz- St. Paul, Minnesota Time in Service: Both- 1 year Why I joined: Lahey- To start a new career that is practical and honorable Sachwitz- I grew up going to air shows and I’ve always loved aircraft. I also wanted to continue my education. Family: Lahey- Brothers, Taylor and Sean; Parents Mike and Mei-Lung Sachwitz- Siblings, Kirsten and Gabriel; Parents David and Elizabeth Hobbies: Lahey- Basketball, Volleyball, board games, reading Sachwitz- Fishing, hiking, traveling Favorite aspect of the job: Lahey- I love learning to work with my hands and navigate the systems Sachwitz- Working on the aircraft Most memorable Air Force experience: Lahey- The Airman’s run Sachwitz- My tech school experience of being taught by awesome instructors How do you make responsible choices: Lahey- I keep the movie “The End Game” in mind and execute accordingly Sachwitz- By remembering that I’m representing myself and my career field Instructor comment: “Lahey is one of the most dedicated students I’ve had in years.” - Robert Honeycutt, 364th TRS electrical and environmental course instructor “It was a pleasure to teach Airman 1st Class Sachwitz. She was an awesome student and dedicated Airman.” - Robert Honeycutt, 364th TRS electrical and environmental course instructor