Command Information Requests

For work tracking purposes, the 82nd TRW/PA office requires customers to complete a detailed work request to initiate the support process. 

Submit a work order for support requesting: photo, video, base-wide email, weekly brief, self-help camera checkout and social media requests. Staff will review the request to ensure it meets mission requirements. 

Civic Outreach

Public Affairs is the focal point for providing information on Sheppard Air Force Base issues, programs and base events to Airmen, the community and members of the news media. The staff provides speakers for civic organizations in the community and is the commander's liaison between the base and local media organizations. All media requests concerning Sheppard people, programs and events must be coordinated through Public Affairs.


Aerial Requests

 To start a request, you will need to submit a DD Form 2535 online at and receive approval from the Air Force Aerial Events office at the Pentagon.
  *The request process takes approximately 90 days to complete.

Graphics/Poster Requests

Graphics has transitioned to the 367th Training Support Squadron based out of Hill AFB, Utah.

To receive graphic support, customers must first submit an AF Form 833 to  Questions can be sent to the above email address, or customers can call DSN 736-2732 or Commercial 940-676-2732.

All request will vetted/approved by the 367th Project Management Office and entered into a queue to be worked as resources are available.

Media Requests

All media queries and requests for interviews must be coordinated through the public affairs office. We look forward to working with media outlets to share our Air Force story.


1. Leverage new and optimize existing technology to link Sheppard professionals and leaders through a free flow of timely, accurate and relevant news and information as well as support and amplify the efforts of community and media outreach. 

2. Enhance Airmen morale and readiness by helping them understand their role(s) at Sheppard and in the Air Force, how Department of the Air Force policies, programs and operations affect them, and how to effectively communicate their story.

Contact information

Sheppard Public Affairs
419 Avenue G, Bldg. 400, Ste. 129
Sheppard AFB, TX 76311