The Inspector General Complaint Resolution Office (IGQ) assists Airmen, family members, retirees and civilians.
The IGQ serve as fair, impartial and objective fact-finders and problem solvers.
We sustain a credible Air Force Inspector General program by providing Complaints Resolution in order to enhance morale, promote efficiency, readiness and emphasize mission focus.
The primary objective of filing a fraud, waste and abuse complaint is to eliminate loss of resources and support mission readiness by educating Airmen and civilians on how to prevent, detect and correct FWA issues. Immediately report suspected FWA through your chain of command or to the IGQ. Your report can also be submitted anonymously.
Fraud: Intentional and unlawful deception to deprive the Air Force of something of value (to which the member is not entitled), for the purpose of personal gain.
Waste: Careless or needless expenditure of Air Force funds from deficient practices and controls.
Abuse: Intentional and wrongful use of Air Force resources which include, but not limited to, equipment, vehicles, rank, position or positions of authority.
Complainants' Rights
1. File IG complaint outside supervisory channels without fear of restriction
2. File IG complaint without fear of reprisal
3. May request withdrawal of IG complaint
4. Request higher-level IG review within 90 days of receiving IG response
5. Submit complaints anonymously
6. Submit complaint if reasonable belief of wrongdoing was committed, even if complainant is not the wronged party
7. Request whistleblower protection
8. File complaints with allegations previously investigated or reviewed by higher-level IG office if you have new information
9. Contact an IG or Member of Congress regarding any issue
Complainants' Responsibilities
Complainants should file within 90 days of learning of the alleged wrong. IGQ complaints not reported within 90 days may seriously impede the gathering of evidence and testimony. The IGQ may dismiss a complaint if, given the nature of the alleged wrong and the passage of time, there is reasonable probability that insufficient information can be gathered to make a determination, or no special Air Force interests exist to justify investigating the matter. Complainants must cooperate with investigators by providing factual and relevant information regarding the issues. Complainants must understand that they are submitting official statements; therefore, they remain subject to punitive action for knowingly making false statements and submitting other unlawful communications.
Confidentiality Policy
The IGQ makes every effort to protect the identity of complainants from anyone outside IGQ channels. IGQs may release the name of a complainant only on an official need-to-know basis. Investigating officers do not divulge a complainant's name to a subject or witness or permit the complainant to read the complaint without the IGQ's or appointing authority's consent.
Filing an IGQ Complaint
Air Force military members and civilian employees have a duty to promptly report FWA or gross mismanagement; a violation of law, policy, procedures, or regulations; an injustice; abuse of authority, inappropriate conduct, or misconduct; and a deficiency or like condition, to an appropriate supervisor or commander, to an IGQ or other appropriate inspector, or through an established grievance channel. Complainants should attempt to resolve the issues at the lowest possible level using command channels before addressing them to a higher level or the IGQ. The immediate supervisory command chain can often resolve complaints more quickly and effectively than a higher level not familiar with the situation. Use the IGQ system when referral to the command chain would be futile or there is fear of reprisal.
How to File an IGQ Complaint
- If you believe you are unable to resolve your complaint in command channels, review the above to determine if the complaint should be filed with the IGQ. You may file a complaint if you reasonably believe inappropriate conduct has occurred or a violation of law, policy, procedure or regulation has been committed.
- Complete the personnel data information on AF Form 102 (typed or printed legibly) (the preferred format for submitting complaints) so it may easily be reproduced.
- Briefly outline the fact and relevant background information related to the issue or complaint on AF Form 102.
- List the allegations of wrongdoing briefly, in general terms, and provide supporting narrative detail and documents later when interviewed. Write the allegations as bullets that answer who committed the violation; what violation was committed; what law, policy, procedure, or regulation was violated; and when the violation occurred.
- Submit the completed AF Form 102 to any Air Force IGQ and set up a follow-on meeting to discuss the complaint.
- If the IGQ is named in the complaint, contact the next higher level IGQ