AFICC commander visits Sheppard

  • Published
  • By Senior Airman Ilyana A. Escalona
  • 82nd Training Wing Public Affairs

Brig. Gen. Alice Trevino, Air Force Installation Contracting Center commander, visited Sheppard AFB, March 4, 2020, during her tour of contracting squadrons across the country.

Trevino, during a briefing with the 82nd Contracting Squadron team, emphasized the importance of embracing change and working together to create new innovative ideas.

“The value of bringing new folks into a squadron is that you now come with things that you’ve seen that your new squadron may not be doing,” Trevino said. “You come with a different perspective, new ideas and you balance that between folks that have been here a little bit longer.”

She attested to the fact that sometimes there is conflict or friction between newcomers with their experiences and ideas and seasoned members of a squadron’s perspectives, but that should not stop the mission.

“What I would say, is that all of those ideas are good,” Trevino said. “Whether you’ve been here for one day or you’ve been here for 4,000 days, everybody has something to contribute and those new perspectives make us stronger.”

During her visit, Trevino also toured the Euro-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training program’s Spark Cell located at Sheppard’s 80th Flying Training Wing.

The mission of the ENJJPT’s Spark Cell is to implement new, innovative technologies to enhance 80th FTW training. While there, she was able to learn about and use some of the current technology being used by ENJJPT to train its student pilots as well as get a sneak peek on new programs that will soon be incorporated into the pilot training program.