UPDATE (March 8, 2021): Some Sheppard facilities, local areas under boil notice Published March 5, 2021 By John Ingle 82nd Training Wing Public Affairs (Editor's Note: The list of facilities local areas under a boil notice will be updated as new information is available.) SHEPPARD AIR FORCE BASE, Texas – Several facilities on Sheppard AFB are under a boil order due to water issues. The information is fluid as facilities meet several factors, so this information will change as needed. Water samples from affected areas return 24-36 hours after the sampling has been conducted. Timelines vary based on high demand being experienced following the recent storm. Consumers should consult with their facility manager or water servicer on current status or to express concerns. Facilities placed under a boil order and their effective date include: Feb. 20, 2021/Rescinded Feb. 24, 2021 Bldg. 1010 (Training Hangar) Bldg. 1660 (Lodging) Bldg. 1670 (Permanent Party Dorm) Bldg. 373 (Housing Office) Bldg. 384 (Levitow Fitness Center) Feb. 21, 2021/Rescinded Feb. 24, 2021 Bldg. 61 (Central Prep Kitchen) Bldg. 1020 (Training Hangar) Bldg. 1040 (Training Hangar) Bldg. 1080 (Training Hangar) Bldg. 1090 (Training Hangar) Feb. 22, 2021/Rescinded Feb. 24, 2021 Bldg. 5 (Outdoor Recreation) Bldg. 2404 (80th Flying Training Wing Hangar) Bldg. 2410 (80th FTW Hangar) Bldg. 2418 (M1 Services) Bldg. 2406 (80th FTW Hangar) Bldg. 2330 (80th FTW Training Support) Bldg. 2080 (Fuels Training) Feb. 23, 2021 Bldg. 940 (Airman & Family Readiness Center)/Rescinded Feb. 24, 2021 Bldg. 2408 (80th FTW Hangar)/Rescinded Feb. 24, 2021 Bldg. 2110 (Motor Pool)/Rescinded Feb. 24, 2021 Bldg. 125 (Thrift Shop)/Rescinded Feb. 25, 2021 Feb. 24, 2021 Bldg. 1060 (TRS Hangar)/Rescinded March 2, 2021 Feb. 25, 2021/Rescinded March 2, 2021 Bldg. 825 (361st TRS) Bldg. 922 (365th TRS) Bldg. 2325 (M1 Support Services) March 1, 2021 Bldg. 2001/Rescinded March 2, 2021 March 2, 2021/Rescinded March 5, 2021 Bldg. 1404 (82nd CES)/Lab results pending Bldg. 2012 (366th TRS)/Lab results pending The surrounding area affected by boil notices including: City of Archer City; effective Feb. 18, 2021/Rescinded Feb. 20, 2021 Petrolia in Clay County; effective Feb. 16, 2021 RRA Lockett Water System in Wilbarger County, effective Feb. 18, 2021/Rescinded Feb. 25, 2021 Baylor Water Supply Corp. in Baylor County, effective Feb. 20, 2021/Rescinded Feb. 20, 2021 Wichita Valley WSC (Holliday) effective Feb. 18 , 2021/Rescinded Feb. 20, 2021 Water for drinking or other human consumption should be boiled and cooled before use. Water should come to a vigorous rolling boiled and then boiled for two minutes. Tips for boiling water: Fill a pot with water. Heat the water until bubbles come from the bottom of the pot to the top. Once the water reaches a rolling boil, let it boil for 2 minutes. Turn off the heat source and let the water cool. Pour the water into a clean container with a cover for storage. Suggestions for different types of water use: Preparing and cooking food Wash all fruits and vegetables with boiled water that has cooled or with bottled water. Bring water to a rolling boil for 2 minutes before adding food to cook. Use boiled water when preparing drinks, such as coffee, tea, and lemonade Wash food preparation surfaces with boiled water. Feeding babies and using formula Use ready-to-use baby formula, if possible. Prepare powdered or concentrated baby formula with bottled water. Use boiled water if you do not have bottled water. Disinfect water for baby formula if you cannot boil your water. Wash and sterilize bottles and nipples before use. If you cannot sterilize bottles, try to use single-serve, ready-to-feed bottles. Ice making Do not use ice from ice trays, ice dispensers, or ice makers. Throw out all ice made with tap water. Make new ice with boiled or bottled water. Suggestions for different types of water use: Bathing and showering Be careful not to swallow any water when bathing or showering. Use caution when bathing babies and young children. Consider giving them a sponge bath to reduce the chance of them swallowing water. Brushing teeth Brush teeth with boiled or bottled water. Do not use untreated tap water. Washing dishes Household dishwashers generally are safe to use if the water reaches a final rinse temperature of at least 150 degrees or if the dishwasher has a sanitizing cycle. To wash dishes by hand: Wash and rinse the dishes as you normally would using hot water. In a separate basin, add 1 teaspoon of unscented household liquid bleach for each gallon of warm water. Soak the rinsed dishes in the water for at least one minute. Let the dishes air dry completely. Laundry It is safe to do laundry as usual. Pets Pets can get some of the same diseases as people. It is a good idea to give them boiled water that has been cooled too. Water filters Boil tap water even if it is filtered. Most kitchen and other household water filters typically do not remove bacteria or viruses.