Gathering of the Falcons focuses on improving technical training Published Dec. 16, 2021 82nd Training Wing Public Affairs SHEPPARD AIR FORCE BASE, Texas – Commanders from 2nd Air Force’s five subordinate wings wrapped up a two-day summit here Dec. 7-8 to connect with one another and improve initial technical training for the Air Force during Gathering of the Falcons. The summit here fostered discussions on best practices for training, Airmen support and development, military training leader and instructor development, integration of innovation and technology, and building tomorrow’s force to be the lethal, agile and multi-capable Airmen ready to face any adversary anywhere, any time. Brig. Gen. Lyle K. Drew, 82nd Training Wing commander, hosted the high-level meeting of 2nd AF leaders. In addition to the variety of discussions during the visit, guests also received a brief mission tour of the expansive mission of the 82nd Training Wing, home of the Air Force’s largest and most diverse technical training operation. Also as part of the meeting, each wing was able to highlight their unique missions and strengths during Challenge of the Feathers, an opportunity for each leadership group to bring a challenge specific to their training mission to their colleagues to attempt to accomplish.