Sheppard breaks ground on $27M Child Development Center Published Jan. 9, 2023 By Airman 1st Class Katie McKee SHEPPARD AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- Team Sheppard celebrated the start of construction on a $27 million child development center during a groundbreaking ceremony here Jan. 6, 2022. The new facility will replace the current one built in 1973. Scheduled to open in 2024, the new center’s mission focuses on providing quality, available and affordable programs and services to military and civilian families. “In order for us to remain the world’s most powerful Air force, we need to take care of our families and our Airmen,” said 82nd Training Wing Commander Brig. Gen. Lyle K. Drew. “This is a testament to the Air Force’s commitment to military families at Sheppard AFB.” The Sheppard AFB CDC was identified by the Air Force as the first of four to be funded this fiscal year due to a capacity shortage and the need for major improvements and standard upgrades to the current building. Drew went on to thank the civil engineering squadron, the force support squadron and the CDC staff and providers. He extended his gratitude to community partners who have helped advocate for this project. “This project represents a commitment by our military and civilians leaders to the future of Sheppard AFB and more importantly to the well-being of our Airmen and their families,” said Drew. The new plans allow for increased capacity, which will accommodate infants and children aged six weeks through five years along with 60 staff members. The Air Force Civil Engineering-led effort with Air Force Services Center, Sheppard AFB and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Tulsa District, was awarded to Southwind Construction Services LLC, an Oklahoma based contracting firm.