Incorrect Information Can Result in Loss of TRICARE Benefits Published May 5, 2009 By Natalie Henderson 82nd Medical Support Squadron SHEPPARD AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- Keeping information up-to-date in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System is essential for maintaining TRICARE benefit coverage. Updating information is simple and will help you avoid the unnecessary headache of losing your TRICARE coverage. DEERS is a worldwide computerized database of uniformed services members, their family members and others who are eligible for military benefits. TRICARE uses the information in DEERS to verify TRICARE eligibility. Any time a life-changing event occurs, it's important to update DEERS. Keeping information updated will prevent the loss of health care eligibility. Examples include: · Retiring or separating from active duty · Activating or deactivating from National Guard or Reserve · Changing a service status (enlisting to officer, changing branch, etc.) · Getting married or divorced · Having a baby or adopting a child · Moving · Becoming eligible for Medicare (sponsor or family member) · Losing a family member To add or remove family members, visit the DEERS office on Sheppard, building 402. Call the office first at 676-2314 to verify business hours, get directions or schedule an appointment. There are also two options for updating personal information online. Visit the DEERS web site at and follow the steps to update the home address, e-mail and phone numbers online. Or access the Beneficiary Web Enrollment site through any search engine. The site is linked directly to the DEERS database, so when making changes, it updates your information in DEERS and with the regional contractor.