82 TRG Civilian Mentoring Program

  • Published
  • By Risa Hillard
  • 82nd Training Group
We are looking for a few good people; someone who can share professional experience with others to help them grow and develop. For those interested, come join the 82nd Training Group Civilian Mentoring Program.

The program was recognized as an Air Force Best Practice during its first year. As we enter our second year, we wish to share our experiences within this group by expanding wing-wide.

How can you become a member? You simply fill out a questionnaire stating your desire to become a mentor or mentee.

You may be asking yourself what you have to offer or if there are any specific requirements you must meet. While there aren't any specific requirements to be met, a mentor should have the following attributes:

· One who supports another individual, and is concerned with their growth.
· Shows concern for their mentee's development as a whole, and not just the job they perform.
· One who has an independent relationship with the mentee, not one based on authority or power.
· A good listener; one who will listen first, question, and only then advise.
· Proponent of civilian career management initiatives and programs.
· Knowledge of corporate career development programs and initiatives.
· Knowledge of the functional community's career development path.

What type of person usually seeks a mentor? The answer is simple ... anyone who is interested in broadening their professional knowledge.

Of course, many of us have said to ourselves, "When will I ever have time for this? Are there meetings I have to go to?" We have always suggested monthly meetings between mentors/ mentees. However, mentors/mentees meet as often as they desire. Additionally, quarterly group meetings feature guest speakers who discuss a variety of topics and are typically held during the lunch hour.

Currently we have about 80 participants. With the recent addition of three new training groups to the program, we expect that number to double.

Finally, what advice does the mentoring group have for someone considering becoming a mentor? Never worry about a lack of experience; you don't have to be a GS-12 or higher to be a good mentor. Sometimes the best mentor for a brand new GS-9 training instructor is a seasoned, experienced GS-9 training instructor.

Now that you know who we are and what we do, please contact us at 82TRGCIVILIANMENTORING@sheppard.af.mil and make a difference!