How's Our A-76 Study Going? Published May 17, 2007 By Brig. Gen. Richard Devereaux 82nd Training Wing commander SHEPPARD AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- When we announced our A-76 study back on 29 September 2006, I committed to keeping you informed on its progress every step of the way. Let me give you a brief update. First, for base newcomers or those of you who don't remember the study, Sheppard's A-76 Study is an effort to determine the most cost-effective method to perform four particular functions on the base: 1. Base Civil Engineering, 2. Base Communications/Instructional Technology, 3. Trainer Development (aids used in tech training), and 4. Fitness Center Operations. Today all four of these functions are performed by a combination of 503 military and civilian personnel assigned to several squadrons on the base. The purpose of the A-76 study is to determine whether these functions should be outsourced to a private corporation or performed by government civilians within a new Most Efficient Organization. We know that the new all-civilian entity that replaces the work being performed by these 503 personnel today will be leaner and more efficient, saving the Air Force and taxpayers a lot of money every year. How's the study going so far? The work is progressing, but we're approximately 3 months behind schedule due to delays in producing the Performance Work Statement which is the document that details all the tasks and requirements associated with the four above functions. It's important the PWS be accurate and comprehensive. This effort has taken quite a bit of time for the Sheppard team who prepared the PWS as well as the functionals at HQ AETC who reviewed and approved the document. The PWS is now complete and was posted to the FedBiz Ops web site on 30 March. We expect the subsequent draft Request for Proposal to be posted shortly. Now that the PWS is complete, our MEO Team has moved into high gear. Their task is to produce a government proposal for performing the above functions in the most efficient manner possible, hence the term "Most Efficient Organization." Since the MEO will be competing against various private contractor proposals, their work is being performed in secret to ensure a fair competition. If the study progresses on schedule, we expect to release a final RFP the end of June. Once the various contractor proposals come in they will be evaluated by a Source Selection Board who will reach a decision around March 2008. At that point we'll know who will be performing the work--either the MEO or a private contractor. In April 2008 we'll start the process to transition to this new organization, with full implementation complete by April 2009. Of course, as we approach the transition period, there will be an assignment freeze for military personnel and AFPC will brief procedures for reassignment. No military or civilians will be moved out of their billets until all functions are ready to be turned over to the new organization. The bottom line is we've made good progress so far, but we've got a long way to go before this A-76 study is complete. If you are one of the 503 personnel affected by the study, I know you are anxious about the outcome and its exact timing. We'll continue to keep you informed as to the schedule and any adjustments to the study. I'd like to thank Doris Lackey and Steve Hanvey, our PWS leadership, and of course, Col. Marti Rossi, our Director of Competitive Sourcing, who has been overseeing our entire A-76 effort. If you have any questions you can contact our Deputy Director of Competitive Sourcing, Mr. Dan Roberts, at 676-2035.