Keeping Team Sheppard healthy Published Dec. 17, 2013 By 1stLt Chawntel Vega 82d AMDS Public Health Flight SHEPPARD AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- The 82d AMDS Public Health Flight, Trainee Health Clinic and Health and Wellness Center are encouraging Sheppard Air Force Base residents to take measures during this time of year to help prevent the spread of germs that can cause illness. In addition to the standard cold and flu-like symptoms associated with the winter months, there has been a documented increase in nausea and vomiting symptoms leading to gastrointestinal disease diagnoses among both trainees and permanent party. So, what exactly does this mean? This means that we need you to do your part in keeping yourself and those around you healthy! Consistent and proper HAND WASHING is the first defense technique you have against disease. Please wash your hands with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds... Before, during, and after preparing/eating food Before and after caring for someone who is sick Before and after treating a cut or wound After using the toilet After changing diapers or cleaning up a child who has used the toilet After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing After touching an animal or animal waste After handling pet food or pet treats After touching garbage In addition, remember to stay HYDRATED, even though it is cold outside. Eat NUTRITIOUS foods such as whole grains, nuts, turkey, fruits and veggies. EXERCISE! Protect yourself! And finally, please schedule an appointment at one of the following locations if you feel ill:Trainee Health Clinic: 940-676-1847or MTF Clinic: 940-676-6310