All the water on earth IS all the water on earth Published Sept. 25, 2013 By Darcus Pena 82nd Civil Engineering Squadron DS2 SHEPPARD AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- How often do you think about stormwater runoff? According to the Environmental Protection Agency, "stormwater runoff from construction activities can impact water quality. As stormwater flows over construction activity, it can pick up pollutants like sediment, debris, and chemicals and transport these to a nearby storm sewer system or directly to a river, lake, or coastal water. Polluted stormwater runoff can harm or kill fish and other wildlife. Sedimentation can destroy aquatic habitat." Whether in a large or small construction projects, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) stormwater program requires construction site operators that conduct clearing, grading or excavating activities and who disturb one acre or more, obtain coverage under the Construction Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) permit for their stormwater discharges. That's right, rules are getting strict, but it's to protect the only water we have. All the water on the earth IS all the water on earth. We cannot get more or new water. If our water pollution increases to the point of being unsafe to drink, we are all out of luck. Remember, chemicals and pollution accumulate, they do not disappear. Hence, stormwater programs have been developed, and water restrictions have gotten so strict. People must do their part and not pollute. We must protect the only water we have. And how will this be done? Have you noticed all the construction sites lately? Sheppard is doing its part by ensuring projects that are greater than one acre are covered under the Construction TPDES Permit and that best management practices are being followed to prevent pollutants from entering the stormwater. For more information, please contact 82nd CES at 676-5719.