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TRICARE lottery sweepstakes scam

  • Published
  • By Customer Service Support
  • ART Team
The TRICARE Program Integrity office has become aware of a lottery sweepstakes scam where "winners" receive a fraudulent check with the TRICARE name. Targeted individuals are contacted by mail with a letter stating they're "winners" of a USA lottery sweepstakes for $250,000 accompanied with the fraudulent check. The letter tells the "winner" the check is a portion of the winnings used to help pay taxes, insurance, handling, and shipping fees. The "winner" is also told to return a portion of the funds from the cashed check. These instructions should sound shady to anyone but you may receive inquiries from beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries asking about the validity of this sweepstakes. Those receiving this letter and check should be aware that a third party may be trying to gain access to their bank accounts, or other personal information.

TRICARE beneficiaries who receive this lottery sweepstakes scam letter and check are encouraged to report it to their Managed Care Support Contractor Program Integrity Office (i.e. Health Net Federal Services, Humana Military Healthcare Services, TriWest Healthcare Alliance, Express Scripts Inc., or Wisconsin Physician Services). Reports can also be made to the TRICARE Program Integrity office by emailing the TRICARE FRAUDLINE at or by fax (303) 676-3981.