Tree trimming on base Published Feb. 27, 2015 By Leslie Peña 82 Civil Engineering Squadron SHEPPARD AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- All trees on base fall under the Integrated Natural Resource Management Plan and AETCI 32-7065. The removal or pruning of any trees, shrubs, or hedges requires written approval from the installations Natural Resource Manager. Minor pruning and trimming of new growth or containment, are the responsibility of the Facility Manager or housing occupant. Major pruning will be accomplished by grounds maintenance through request. As the spring slowly creeps closer to us, facility managers need to take a few moments of their time to determine which trees need to be trimmed before spring arrives and coordinate with the NRM. It is important that tree pruning take place in Dec to late Feb during the winter months which is when tree dormancy occurs. The reason for this specific time is to reduce stress, injury, and potential mortality of trees. In some cases, pruning can be extended into March. According to the NRM, if an individual cuts a tree/shrub outside the winter dormancy period it can increase exposure of the plant to diseases and parasites, which are most problematic in spring and the summer. With the current drought situation, many of the trees are extremely stressed and many are just barely hanging on. Any additional stress to the plants could cause stunted growth or even death. In an effort to conserve trees of Sheppard AFB, only a limited amount of trees will be approved for trimming outside the required months. Those particular trees would need to fall under: a dead tree, an infested tree, or a threat to human life. If you have trees around your facility that needs trimming please contact the NRM Leslie Peña (676-7481) so she can observe which tree needs approval for the trimming and or removal.