Top 5 things you REALLY need to know about the Flu Published Jan. 6, 2015 Public Health Flight SHEPPARD AIR FORCE BASE- Texas -- Sheppard Health Alert: Flu Jan 14, 2015 Top 5 things you REALLY need to know about the Flu: 1. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has declared this year's seasonal flu a national epidemic. 2. The flu is a contagious respiratory illness that infects the nose, throat, and lungs. The current strain of flu impacting airmen and Sheppard Air Force Base is H3N2, which can cause severe illness. 3. Signs of the flu typically include prolonged fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle or body aches, headaches, and fatigue. 4. You may be able to pass on the flu before you know you are sick or after you are better. Most adults can infect others as early as one day before symptoms develop and five to seven days after becoming sick. 5. The best way to prevent the flu is to obtain the seasonal influenza vaccination, wash hands often, and avoid close contact with sick persons. For more info on the flu, please visit or contact 82nd AMDS Public Health flight at 676-1874 / 3052. Start the New Year healthy: Flu health alert Jan. 6, 2015 The 82d AMDS Public Health Flight welcomes back all base personnel, retirees and dependents with a robust reminder that we are still in flu season. Sheppard AFB is home to an annual influx of flu and flu-like-illnesses after the holiday season. SAFB Flu Facts: · SUPERVISORS HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO KEEP AIRMEN HOME IF SICK. According to AFI 41-210, supervisors are authorized and encouraged to keep Airmen home for 24 hours without the need for official quarters issued by a medical provider. Members with questions on flu medications or care can call 676-1847 to speak to a MDG nurse or the Nurse Advice Line (NAL). · VACCINATION IS KEY! Everyone 6 months of age or older should be vaccinated. Flu vaccine is available both on and off base. Spread the word and make sure friends and family are vaccinated. · STOP SPREADING GERMS: - WASH your hands with soap and water often, especially after coughing, sneezing, using the restroom and eating. Use hand sanitizer often. - COUGH ETIQUETTE should be used at all times. Cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze or cough (Not with your hands; use sleeve, tissue or inside of blouse). - SOCIAL DISTANCE of at least three feet is recommended for those who are feeling ill. Stay 3 feet away from those around you if you are sick or feeling sick. - STAY HOME if you are sick with the flu or another similar illness that causes cough, sore throat and sneezing, with or without fever. · Seek MEDICAL ADVICE, if you are experiencing fever or prolonged symptoms of coughing, sore throat, runny/stuffy nose, body aches, headache or fatigue by contacting the 82D MDG at (940) 676-1847 for medical guidance. Nurses are able to issue quarters and provide care without requiring the mbr to come to the MDG. The 82d AMDS Public Health Flight is here to provide information and prevent disease in our community! Everyday Preventive Actions Fact Sheet: Contact Public Health at (940) 676-1874 with any questions or concerns.