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Storm Inlet Labeling Event at Sheppard

  • Published
  • By Stephanie Duke
  • 82nd Civil Engineering Squadron
PAE-DS2 Environmental Staff sponsored the Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas,  Annual Storm Drain Inlet Labeling Event on Nov. 15, 2014, involving 21 enlisted, permanent-party volunteers.  The purpose of the event is get Sheppard AFB personnel volunteers involved to label storm drain inlets of the Storm Water Collection System at Sheppard in compliance with the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit, and the MS4 Phase II Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) requirements.  Participants ranged from Instructors, Security Forces Personnel, as well as family members of enlisted personnel.

At noon on Nov. 15, 2014, volunteers met with PAE-DS2 Environmental Staff members Terry James, Greg Mitchell and Stephanie Duke, who briefed the attendees on the importance of protecting Sheppard's Storm Water Collection System.  The labels were placed directly on curbs to remind motorists and pedestrians that dumping anything into storm drains is not allowed as the drains discharge directly into local rivers or other surface water.  Volunteers were given individual section maps with storm drain inlets marked and indicated the label installation order to easily locate and label each storm drain inlet.  This strategy aided in the understanding of the overall storm water collection system including how the water will leave the base and end up in surface water.  Volunteers were divided into nine groups covering approximately 195 storm drain inlets.  The volunteers did an outstanding job accurately updating maps when discrepancies were found.  This allows for a more accurate overall storm water collection system map to be created for Sheppard AFB. 

With the successful and significant turnout of volunteers and their efforts, Sheppard is well on its way to complete this five-year permit requirement ahead of schedule.  The Environmental Department hopes to continue these public outreach programs not only to label all storm drain inlets on base, but also to educate new groups of volunteers on the base Storm Water Collection System mapping and importance of pollution prevention in Sheppard Storm Water discharges.

If you are interested in volunteering for storm drain inlet labeling, please contact Stephanie Duke at (940)-676-2415, email  The event will be scheduled once annually.