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West Nile Virus Update, 16 October 2014

  • Published
  • Public Health flight
The Wichita Falls-Wichita County Public Health District has received confirmation of a fourth case of human West Nile Virus (WNV) in Wichita Falls. The case was confirmed by laboratory testing. The patient is currently in the hospital and improving.

Most people who are infected with the virus will not have any type of illness or may experience mild fever, headache and body aches before fully recovering. Please contact your healthcare provider if you are experiencing any of the symptoms described. The Health District once again reminds everyone that West Nile Virus is not casually transmitted from person to person.

The 82d AMDS Public Health Flight continues to encourage members and families to avoid mosquitoes, the vectors of West Nile Virus, by practicing the personal protective actions known as the 4Ds:

1. DUSK and DAWN are the times of day you should try to stay indoors, because mosquitoes are most active.

2. DRESS in long sleeves and pants when you are outside.

3. DEET is an ingredient to look for in insect repellent. Follow label instructions, and always wear repellent when outdoors.

4. DRAIN any standing water in your yard and neighborhood where mosquitoes can breed. This includes old tires, flowerpots, clogged rain gutters, etc.

The 82d AMDS Public Health Flight is continuing to monitor for mosquitos and are working with Civil Engineering for insecticide applications as appropriate.

For questions about West Nile Virus, please call 82d AMDS Public Health Flight at 940-676-3052 or visit the CDC website at