Ensuring safe drinking water at Sheppard AFB is one of many
core tasks and responsibilities of the 82nd AMDS Bioenvironmental Engineering Flight. The Bioenvironmental Engineering Flight works
closely with the 82nd Civil Engineering Squadron to ensure proper locations are
sampled. Each month, Sheppard Air Force Base is
required to test and submit water samples to an accredited laboratory for
bacteriological analysis. On January
20, 2016, a water sample from Building 776 tested positive for the presence of
coliform bacteria. The presence of
coliform bacteria indicates the possibility of a potential problem with the
water treatment system or the pipes that distribute treated water. It could also be the result of sampling error,
commonly known as a false positive.
The Bioenvironmental Engineering Flight collected a water
sample on January 21, 2016 at Building 776.
However, additional water samples were not collected at two sites, which
is required by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). As such, on April 12, 2016, Sheppard AFB
received a Notice of Violation from TCEQ on improper sampling procedures
following a positive notification. The
second sample and all subsequent samples tested negative for the presence of
bacteria for all sites at Sheppard AFB.
TCEQ requires public notification of this water
monitoring violation. The
Bioenvironmental Engineering Flight has re-accomplished both its water sampling
checklist and flight training for water sampling procedures in order to ensure
this error is avoided in the future. If
you have any questions regarding this violation, please contact Maj. Flory at
the Bioenvironmental Engineering Flight at 940-676-3080.