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Support Airman of the Week: Findlay

  • Published
  • By Staff Reports
  • 82nd Training Wing Public Affairs

Monica Findlay, 982nd Maintenance Squadron unit program manager and native of Colorado Springs, has been in the Air Force for 34 years and eight months and is the Support Airman of the week at Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas for the week of Feb. 23 – Mar. 1, 2016.


Most significant accomplishments:


The Inspector General identified Findlay as a “Superior Performer” and referenced her as   having an “extremely strong 'unit program coordinator' program” with all areas inspected as showing “evidence of continual improvement” – a testament to her overall outstanding management skills. Her desire to improve and streamline processing needs for all programs in support of the Air Force mission have made them more efficient and effective. For instance, her Unit Fitness Program was stated as being “one of the best seen to date” and multiple items were taken from her program to use in other units across Sheppard. Her efforts directly contributed to the squadron earning an overall highly effective unit inspection rating.


Airman’s story:


Findlay began her civil service career at Sembach Air Base, Germany in 1978. As a young military spouse, she set her goal to continue government work wherever her husband’s assignments took them and hopes to retire with the coveted 70 percent retirement package.


This plan is now near fruition with continual administrative job offerings throughout her husband’s 23 years of military service both overseas and stateside. She’s administratively managed front offices for more than 20 commanders at squadron, group and headquarters levels, working her way up to Ramstein Air Base as an executive secretary to three headquarters U.S. Air Forces in Europe two-star generals before moving to Sheppard in 1994. 


She spent 10 years in flying operations in Germany and Korea, three years in flying and weapons safety at Hill Air Force Base, 16 years in medical training schoolhouse at Sheppard, and then will close her career with 4 years of service in maintenance. 


“I’ve been blessed beyond my dreams with outstanding bosses and terrific leadership training opportunities that I’ve taken advantage of along the way,” said Findlay. “I’ve also enjoyed the fruits of superior base leadership, lived in cool military locations allowing for travel around the world, and most importantly to my happiness, labored along with scores of awesome teams of like-minded, supportive coworkers.


“For me and my family the Air Force has been a great way of life to live, no regrets, mostly loads of fun,” she continued. “It’s now been 22 years at Sheppard and my goal has arrived. Choosing a retirement date is super hard when one really loves their job and these great people.”


Commander’s comments:


Findlay performs unit program coordinator duties for both 982nd Training Group staff and 982nd Maintenance Squadron,” said Maj. Denny Shofner, 982nd Maintenance Squadron commander. “She is the 982nd TRG Unit Fitness Program Manager tracking and scheduling fitness assessments for 58 military personnel. She prepares statistical reports to the squadron, group, and wing leadership to communicate the overall fitness of their military personnel.”


“Findlay is the records manager expert who provides electronic records management guidance and oversight for five file plans and ensures the unit is in compliance with Privacy Act and Freedom of Information Act responsibilities,” he continued. “As the 982nd TRG Drug Demand Reduction trusted agent, Findlay is responsible for notifying individuals selected for urinalysis testing and identifying those individuals unavailable for testing which assists commanders in assessing the security, military fitness, readiness, and good order and discipline of their commands. She’s an invaluable resource ensuring we successfully accomplish our mission to make great maintainers and communicators even better.”