Sgt. Cy Perkins, 82nd Medical Operations Squadron NCO in charge and patient advocate
for the family health clinic is a native of Fayetteville, North Carolina, and
has been in the Air Force for 15 years. Perkins was selected as the Support
Airman of the Week at Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas, for the week of July
19-25, 2016.
Most significant
“I responded to a 911 call
and upon further evaluation of the circumstances, I activated and stood up the
disaster team along with the administration team,” Perkins said. “The lives of
14 pararescue trainees were saved from exposure to high levels of chlorine. I
was recognized for my efforts and coined by the squadron commander.”
“I was part of a team of
medics that stayed behind to provide emergency medical care during Hurricane
Katrina,” he said. “It’s a depressing story but patients received the care they
needed and the mission continued on.”
“I established and built two
medical clinics while deployed in Ethiopia with a small medical team,” he
continued. “We were the medical support for the 100 person unit. We worked
every day for six months; it was an amazing experience.”
“While in Africa I set up a
charity that raised $1,500 for clothing in just six months for underprivileged
Ethiopian children,” said Perkins. “Donations came in from all over the United
States. I personally bought and mailed each person that donated a thank you
note and a pound of delicious Ethiopian coffee.
“I was hand selected to teach
NATO forces gathered in Bosnia on how the U.S. Air Force sets up deployed hospitals and
provides care during wartime,” he said. “I had the opportunity to work with
medics from other countries and see how they operate.”
Airman’s story:
“I’m just going where life
takes me,” Perkins said. “I joined the Air Force and fell into the footsteps of
my grandfather who was a career Air Force medic. I met my wife while we were
both stationed at Keesler and we have two boys. I’ve been to many different
places in this world and it’s always nice being with our Air Force family. All-in-all
life has been pretty good up to this point.”
Sergeant Perkins supports the training mission by providing medical support to
the active duty members of Sheppard Air Force Base, NATO personnel and their
beneficiaries,” said Master Sgt. Pablo Aguilar, 82nd MDOS primary care flight
chief. “He brings a breadth of knowledge and utilizes it to educate the family
health clinic and overall ensures continuity of care to our patients.”