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  • Florida guardsman earns ACE award in F-15 avionics

    Airman 1st Class Christopher Cady of Jacksonville, Florida, recorded perfect scores in all 12 blocks of instruction during F-15 Eagle fighter avionics training, earning the distinction of being an ACE award winner.

  • Unit removes time obstacle, student finishes course in 1 week

    The 365th Training Squadron took to heart the call of Air Education and Training Command Commander Lt. Gen. Steve Kwast that “time is no longer the constant" and helped one student complete its 39-academic-day avionics fundamentals course in one week.

  • 365th TRS revamps avionics fundamentals course

    The 365th Training Squadron improved its avionics fundamentals course by taking common tasks such as safety, wiring and tool usage learned in other avionics courses and incorporating them into the introductory class.

  • Building basics: FTD forms maintenance professionals

    Armed with wrenches, protective gear and iPads stocked with technical orders and schematics, these Air Force maintenance professionals are ready to go back to school. The school isn’t a normal college or university; these Airmen are attending the 372nd Training Squadron, Detachment 202 F-16 Field