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  • Simulator enhances training for next generation of LROs

    Preparation of readiness officers to perform those tasks as directors of operations in a squadron begins here at the 363rd Training Squadron’s Air Force Logistics Officer School, and that now includes the use of model and simulation software to enhance the learning process.

  • Logistics officer course tests new thesis-style capstone event

    The 363rd Training Squadron's Maintenance Officer Intermediate Course at Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas, which hosts aircraft maintenance and munitions officers, is upping its game by transforming and experimenting with how experienced logisticians are trained on complex logistics principles as well

  • Success of AF logistics begins with Sheppard training mission

    From a big-picture standpoint, the success of logistics operations in the Air Force and the support provided for sister services begins in the schoolhouses at Sheppard Air Force Base, where a majority of enlisted and officer logistics career fields train.

  • ILROC bridges gap for logistics officers

    The revamped Intermediate Logistics Readiness Officer Course celebrated the start of its first iteration March 5, 2018, at Sheppard Air Force Base signifying a necessary addition to the education and development of Air Force logistics readiness officers.

  • Sheppard hosts logistics strategy summit

    F-35 Lightning II maintenance training and finding innovative was to educate future Airmen were among the topics discussed at the Air Force Logistics Strategy Summit. The annual logistics strategy summit was held at Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas, October 11-13, 2017.