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  • Process underway to modernize power production CDCs

    The Air Force stays ahead by always seeking to improve, upgrade or innovate the way we do things. Stagnation is the killer of excellence and members from the 366th Training Squadron’s electrical power production apprentice course are working on a new innovation to modernize training.

  • WFSM receives solid-steel upgrade to plumbing booths

    The 982nd Maintenance Squadron built new all-steel plumbing booths to replace the antiquated wooden structures used by students in the 366th Training Squadron’s water and fuel systems maintenance apprentice course.

  • Sheppard in Photos

    The 364th Training Squadron's cable and antenna apprentice course aims high in this week's Sheppard in Photos atop some loft towers, while Air Education and Training Command Deputy Command Maj. Gen. Mark E. Weatherington delves into virtual and augmented realities during an immersion visit to the

  • Sheppard in Photos

    Sheppard in Photos highlights training and mission support activities at Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas.

  • Sheppard in Photos

    This week's Sheppard in Photos features fuels and water system maintenance course apprentices at the 366th Training Squadron and Airmen participating in Sheppard's Reveille Run, a 5k event that was part of the base's Armed Force's Day Celebration June 1.

  • 366 TRS instructors win international linemen competition

    Instructors from the 366th Training Squadron took first place in the military division at the 34th annual International Linemen’s Rodeo in Kansas City, Missouri, Oct. 14. The joint team was comprised of Air Force Staff Sgt. Christopher Shaw, Army Staff Sgt. Robert Pepperling and Navy Petty Officer