Ever wonder what's really going on with all those rabbits on Sheppard?
Find out in our original comic strip, hOPSEC!
Follow the adventures of Jed, Dwayne, Trevor & the mysterious & metallic JX-7!

New! Buried Lines

Previous Releases

A hOPSEC Thanksgiving! (click below for full size image)

Lights out! (click below for full size image)

U.S.A.F. Thunderbirds at Sheppard (click below for full size image)

Meet the Bees (click below for full size image)

Welcome to Texas in... Fall? (click below for full size image)

Meet the Bunnies (click below for full size image)

Pocket Monsters (click below for full size image)

About hOPSEC

hOPSEC is the original creation of James Rumfelt, an illustrator in the Sheppard Public Affairs Office.

We'd love your feedback and ideas for future strips. Send us an email at 82trwpa.1@us.af.mil to let us know what you think!