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  • RSAF students flourish under Alotaibi leadership

    The improvement in military discipline, bearing and standards under Royal Saudi air force Col. Bader M. Alotaibi’s watchful eye has paid dividends for the RSAF and their investment in their Airmen here. Since Alotaibi’s arrival, the attrition rate of RSAF Airmen in training has gone from about 50

  • 4 General Officers, 1 AMOC class

    For the 25 lieutenants and captains who made up a 1992 Aircraft Maintenance Officer Course class, earning the rank of general officer wasn’t the first thing on their minds. For most, it wasn’t on their mind at all. Twenty-six years later, four of the 25 officers now don stars on their collars.

  • ILROC bridges gap for logistics officers

    The revamped Intermediate Logistics Readiness Officer Course celebrated the start of its first iteration March 5, 2018, at Sheppard Air Force Base signifying a necessary addition to the education and development of Air Force logistics readiness officers.

  • 365th TRS revamps avionics fundamentals course

    The 365th Training Squadron improved its avionics fundamentals course by taking common tasks such as safety, wiring and tool usage learned in other avionics courses and incorporating them into the introductory class.

  • A first for Sheppard maintenance

    From special operations to firefighting, the C-130J Super Hercules has been in service by the U.S. Air Force for the last 19 years, accumulating more than 1.2 million flying hours around the world.

  • Polish exchange officer ACEs AMOC

    Completing the 14 week Aircraft Maintenance Officer Course at Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas, is no easy feat. During the most recent iteration of the course, one student went above and beyond expectations.Capt. Adam Rosiakowski received the ACE award, September 29, 2017, during a graduation